4E20.40-Balloon in Vacuum

4e2040 4e2040b

Video: Watch this demo | Demo #2: Bell Jar with Balloon; Boiling Water

Instructor’s video

Extra Demo Video

Description: This demonstration shows what happens to the volume of a balloon when pressure is reduced.


  • Vacuum pump
  • Bell jar
  • Balloon

Setup Procedure:

  1. Inflate the balloon only a little as shown in the first picture. Place in the bell jar.
  2. Connect the bell jar to the vacuum pump.
  3. The valve that connects to the pump should be open (Pointing towards the pump tube), and the other valve should be closed (Pointing perpendicular to connector).

Demonstration Procedure:

  1. Note to the students the size of the balloon.
  2. Turn on the vacuum pump.
  3. Note that the balloon inflates due to the decreased pressure inside the bell jar.
  4. Turning off the pump will stop the balloon from inflating any further, and will keep it at the current size.
  5. (Note: This is also a good time to demonstrate the fact that the bell jar cannot be opened)
  6. Opening the second valve will re-deflate the balloon, and the bell jar can once again be opened.
