Powers of Ten – New

Powers of Ten

Demo Description
This video is used to help students learn units of measure and the scale to which they relate to in real life.
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Caution / Safety Info
Please see the Safety Information page (link) regarding the following risks associated with this demonstration (choose which ones are associated with the demonstration):
- Fire
- cryogen
- aerosols / small particles
- broken / flying particles
- chemical safety
- general safety practices
Setup Procedure
- Provide a step by step setup procedure for the demonstration, if necessary
- If a demonstration requires early setup, make note of that in this portion of the writeup
- If there is no setup, then this section can be removed.
Demo Procedure
- Provide a step by step procedure for the demonstration.
- be clear in explaining your steps; don’t take shortcuts or presume the reader knows all the jargon.
- If a part needs clarification, make sub steps.
- This is important for the passing of knowledge.
- Otherwise you end up with demo pages that, frankly, nobody can figure out.
- If something was turned on during the demo, include a step to turn the thing off at the end. I know it sounds silly, but trust me on this one.
- If the demonstration is for a complex topic or may be hard to explain, include here a description on How to Explain it. This is helpful not just for a professor who might be unsure of how this demonstration fits into their lesson, but also if this demonstration is being used for outreach!
- If the demonstration topic pairs well with another demonstration, include that here. This helps professors find demonstrations that go hand-in-hand.