6J10.20 Eyeball Lens (Water Lens)

6J10.20 Eyeball Lens (Water Lens)


Description: This is a simple demonstration of how the human eye functions mechanically to visually focus on objects at varied distances using a syringe operated apparatus.



  • Syringe
  • Flexible lens attachment
  • Water

Setup Procedure:

  1. Fill the flexible lens attachment with water through the syringe port
  2. Fill the syringe about halfway with water
  3. Secure the connective tubing between the nearly full flexible lens and the syringe
  4. Set up document camera over syringe, with paper that has text on it under the lens.

Demonstration Procedure:

  1. Start by having the syringe uncompressed and note how the text appears undistorted
  2. Compress the syringe and note how the shape of the lens and image change
  3. Decompress the syringe and again not how the lens shape and image change


  • The flexible barrier of the lens is delicate so take care to not over compress the syringe as it could damage the membrane
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