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Description: This demo uses a pair of magnets wrapped in velcro to simulate the dynamic between the weak and strong nuclear forces. Equipment: [ H128-A4 ] Pair of velcro magnets Document camera Setup Procedure: Position two Velcro magnets underneath the…
Description: This is a simple demonstration of how the human eye functions mechanically to visually focus on objects at varied distances using a syringe operated apparatus. Equiptment: [H128-M3] Syringe Flexible lens attachment Water Setup Procedure: Fill the flexible lens attachment…
Description: This demonstration shows how the movement of air through a tube designed to be resonant produces an audible tone. Equipment: [H128-H5] Singing Tube Bunsen Burner or Blowtorch Heat Gloves Setup Procedure: Prepare the Bunsen burner if needed Demonstration Procedure:…
Powers of Ten Demo Description This video is used to help students learn units of measure and the scale to which they relate to in real life. Video Links Click Me Location 22-A2 Caution / Safety Info Please see the…
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