


From this page you can view demos for Fluids classes.

This page contains all the Fluids demos.  To navigate to a specific category of these demos, use the menu on the left. To view a demo, click on either the image or the number/name.

2A10.40 - Surface Reaction (soap/pepper)2a1040surface_reactionThis demonstration shows what happens to the surface when you put a drop of soap in water.
2A20.10 - Capillary Tubes2a2010capillary_tubes This is a set of capillary tubes of various diameters used to show capillary rise with water.
2B15.35 - Bell in a Jar2b1535Silence in a vacuum demonstration.
2B20.40 - Pascal's Vases2b2040pascals_vases This shows that the liquid pressure is the same for any given depth below the ...
2B30.10 - Crush the Can (Vacuum pump method)2b3010crush_the_canThis demonstration shows atmospheric pressure.
2B30.30 - Magdeburg Hemispheres2b3030magdeburg_hemispheres This demonstration shows the force of atmospheric pressure.
2B30.50 - Lift a StoolWhen you pull on the handle, the volume of the air pocket increases and pressure decreases.
The decrease in pressure on the top, combined with atmospheric pressure on the bottom, is enough to lift the stool.
2B35.30 - ManometerThis demo shows how a manometer works using water. When the balloon releases air, it adds pressure to the left side and pushes the water up on the right.
2B40.10 - Archimedes Principle (Buoyancy)2b4010archimedes_principleThis demonstration illustrates that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the water displaced.
2C10.10 - Velocity of Efflux2c1010velocity_of_efflux_2 This demonstration shows that the velocity of the water stream is faster at the bottom.
2C20.30 - Floating Ball (Bernoulli's Principle)2c2030floating_ballUsing a stream of air, you can make a ball "float" inside the stream. A variation of this is to attach a funnel ...
2C60.20 - Density Balls in Beans (density differentiation)2c6020density_balls_in_beans_2This demonstration illustrates the fluid properties of granular systems.
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