From this page you can view demos for Waves/Oscillations classes.
This page contains all the Oscillatory demos. To navigate to a specific category of these demos, use the menu on the left. To view a demo, click on either the image or the number/name.
Number/Name | Image | Description |
3A10.10 - Simple Pendulum | A simple pendulum is made with a ball on a string. The length of the string is variable. | |
3A15.10 - Physical Pendulum | This is a Physical Pendulum that can be set at different positons. | |
3A15.10 Pendulum in Sand | This demo uses a pendulum that leaves marks in sand to demonstrate the periodic motion of a pendulum. | |
3A40.10 - Circular Motion vs. Mass on a Spring | This demonstration shows that Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) looks like the 2-D projection of circular motion. | |
3A60.20 - Driven glider on air track (Driven Mass on a Spring with Dampening) | This demonstration illustrates driven resonance of a mass on a spring with the option of damping. | |
3A70.10 - Wilberforce Pendulum | This shows how energy transfers between vertical and torsional modes. | |
3A70.25 - Spring Coupled Pendula | This demonstration shows the effects of two oscillating pendula connected by a spring. The height of the mass ... | |
3A70.31 - Spring Coupled Triple Pendula | This demonstration shows the effects of three oscillating pendula connected by springs. | |
3A95.52 - Chaotic Pendulum | This is a Chaotic Pendulum with two degrees of freedom. | |
3B10.10 - Transverse Pulses and Waves (long rope) | This demonstration visually shows a transverse pulse or transverse waves. | |
3B10.20 - Transverse Pulses and Waves (slinky) 3B20.11 - Longitudinal Pulses (slinky) | A slinky can be stretched across a classroom floor to show Transverse/Longitudinal waves and pulses. | |
3B10.30 - Horizontal Shive | Using this shive, you can demonstrate how wave pulses propagate. | |
3B10.50 - Vertical Shive | This demonstration is a slinky that is suspended from a rod. With this you can visually show ... | |
3B22.10-Standing Waves on a String | This setup demonstrates standing wave patterns on a string. | |
3B22.30 - Standing Waves with Horizontal Shive | Using the horizontal shive with one end driven by a motor, you can show the effect of ... | |
3B30.30- Bell in a Jar | This demonstration shows that sound cannot travel in a vacuum . | |
3B30.30 Bell Jar Vacuum | This demonstration illustrates low pressure vs high pressure like in a hurricane. | |
3B40.10 - Doppler Effect | This demonstration illustrates the Doppler effect. | |
3B50.10/.12/.20/.25/.80 - Ripple Tank | This apparatus is used to show various aspects of water waves. A point source ... | |
3B50.40 - Moire Pattern | These overheads can be used to illustrate Moire Patterns. Various shapes are available. | |
3B55.45-Acoustic Interferometer | This demonstration shows the effects of constructive and destructive interference | |
3B60.10 - Beat Forks (2 tuning forks) | To demonstrate beats, place a small piece of clay on the top of one of the beat forks. Strike ... | |
3D20.10 - Sonometer | A sounding box with strings, tuning machines, and adjustable bridges. | |
3D30.10 - Variable Vertical Resonance Tube | This is a Variable resonance tube. By changing the water level, you change the ... | |
3D30.11 - Vertical Resonance Tube | Blow across the mouth of diffrent size bottles to demonstrate that the properties of the air ... | |
3D30.35 - Resonance Cavities (frequency tube) | These tubes can be wirled around to make diffrent frequencies. Only certain ... | |
3D30.40 - Chladni Plates | Demonstrates standing waves in two dimensions on a plate | |
3D30.50 - Dancing Flames (Ruben's Tube) | This impressive demonstration can show standing waves ... | |
3D32.15 - Slide Whistle | This whistle can be used to illustrate several concepts of air column resonance. | |
3D32.20 - Singing Tube | This demonstration shows how the movement of hot air through a tube can create an audible tone. | |
3D40.-- - Large Bell | For when a small bell just won't do! | |
3D40.20 - Singing Rods | This demonstration shows standing waves within a metal rod. | |
3D40.51 - Chinese Spouting Bowl | This rather interesting demonstration uses a specially designed bowl which, when the ... | |
3D40.55 - Break Beaker (resonance) | This demonstration shows the importance of resonance. By sending powerful sound ... | |
3D46.15 - Resonant Tuning Forks | This demonstration uses two identical tuning forks to show resonance. Strike one ... | |
3D80.20-Lissajous Figures | This setup demonstrates Lissajous patterns on an oscilloscope. |