3A80.20-Lissajous Figure
Description: This setup demonstrates Lissajous patterns on an oscilloscope.
- Oscilloscope
- 2 Function Generators
- GNO double cable – 2
- Single cables – 4
- Connect the two function generators to the oscilloscope via the output socket to channel 1 and 2 on the oscilloscope .
- Settings for the digital oscilloscope:
- Go to ‘Acquire’ and set the following :
- XY display – ON
- Record length – 20K thickness
- Mode – Hi-resolution
- Go to ‘Acquire’ and set the following :
- Set both the function generators to equal frequencies (recommended-1000 Hz and 0.2 V). You should see a circle/ellipse on the graph.
- Keep changing the frequencies to produce different combinations from the 2 generators to see different patterns.
Concept: A Lissajous curve is the graph produced by two phase-shifted sinusoidal functions, on the X-Y plane. On an oscilloscope this can be viewed in the XY mode with two separate signals inputed into channel one and channel two. Their respective time-varying voltages are displayed as x and y on the graph. As we change the frequency, the phase relationship between the signals is presented as a Lissajous figure.
- Make sure the function generators are producing sine waves (this mode can be changed in the waveform setting)
- Center the vertical and horizontal positions.