Demo Request Description Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Class Name *Ex: A100, P132, etcDay/date demos needed *Mechanics-none-Powers of Ten videoPenny and Feather in Vacuum TubeAwkward RollersBall on StringCentripetal Force ApparatusPail of WaterHowitzer and BridgeDrop and ShootMonkey HunterSmash Block on Bed of NailsTablecloth PullPen and HoopPush/Pull me CartsFan CartCenter of Mass ToysCenter of Mass CansDouble Cone on Inclined PlaneTension in a StringLarge WrenchTorque WheelTorque Beam (Weight Distribution)Walking the SpoolWeight Dependence of FrictionAngle of ReposeBed of NailsNose-Basher Pendulum (Suicide Pendulum)Pendulum and PegLoop Ball TrackConservation of Energy Track (1/2)Conservation of Energy Track (2/2)Ball TrackBallistic PendulumEgg in SheetSpring Apart CartsRocket WagonNewton's Cradle (Newton's Balls)Frictionless-Momentum (Air Track)Double Ball Drop (Basketball and Tennis ball)Rolling Ring, Disc, and SphereRotating Platform and WeightsCentrifugal GovernorRotating Platform and Bicycle WheelRotating Platform and Bicycle WheelSprings in Series and ParallelHappy and Sad BallsThis menu contains all the Mechanics demos.Fluids-none-Surface Reaction (soap/pepper)Capillary TubesBell in a JarPascal's VasesCrush the Can (Vacuum pump method)Magdeburg HemispheresLift a StoolManometerArchimedes Principle (Buoyancy)Velocity of EffluxFloating Ball (Bernoulli's Principle)Density Balls in Beans (density differentiation)This menu contains all the Fluids demos.Waves/Oscillations-none-Simple PendulumPhysical PendulumCircular Motion vs. Mass on a SpringDriven glider on air track (Driven Mass on a Spring with Dampening)Wilberforce PendulumSpring Coupled PendulaSpring Coupled Triple PendulaChaotic PendulumTransverse Pulses and Waves (long rope)Transverse Pulses and Waves (slinky) 3B20.11 – Longitudinal Pulses (slinky)Horizontal ShiveVertical ShiveStanding Waves on a StringStanding Waves with Horizontal ShiveBell in a JarBell Jar VacuumDoppler EffectRipple TankMoire PatternAcoustic InterferometerBeat Forks (2 tuning forks)SonometerVariable Vertical Resonance TubeVertical Resonance TubeResonance Cavities (frequency tube)Chladni PlatesDancing Flames (Ruben's Tube)Slide WhistleLarge BellSinging RodsChinese Spouting BowlBreak Beaker (resonance)Resonant Tuning ForksLissajous FiguresThis menu contains all the Waves/Oscillations demos.Thermo-none-Bimetalic StripBall and RingSmashing FruitConvection TubeRate of Conduction (dropping balls)Light the MatchGreenhouse EffectFire SyringeIce BombLN2 BombSling PsychrometerCritical OpalescenceCrookes' RadiometerBalloon on a FlaskBalloon in LN2Crush the Can (thermo method)Hot Air BalloonBoyle's Law ApparatusBalloon in VacuumHero's EngineStirling EngineThermoelectric Fan (Peltier)This menu contains all the Thermo demos.Electricity & Magnetism-none-ElectrophorusRods and PivotPith BallsBraun ElectroscopeGold Leaf ElectroscopeWire vs. StringAttracted Soda CanBlow soap bubbles at Van de GraffCharged Rod Deflects 4×6Deflection of a Stream of WaterWimshurst MachineVan de Graff GeneratorHair on EndVan de Graff StreamersStyrofoam Peanuts on Van de Graff Gen.Franklin's Bell (Electric Chimes)Electric Field Lines on OverheadMapping Equipotential LinesSurface ChargeFaraday CagePoint and Ball w/ Van de GraffElectric PinwheelParallel Plate CapacitorCapacitor with DielectricsShort a CapacitorLight the BulbResistance ModelWire Coil in LN2Wire Coil in FlameJacob's LadderElectrolysis of WaterVoltaic CellFruit and Vegetable BatteryThermoelectric Fan (Peltier)Water Analog (voltage drop and current)Vaporize a WireSeries and Parallel LightsParallel Lights with MultimeterCharge and Discharge an RC CircuitBarkhausen EffectMagnetic Domains (Array of Arrows)Small ElectromargnetElectromagnetParamagnetism of Liquid OxygenCurie PointMeissner EffectMagnetic Field Lines (Iron Filings)Iron Filings Around a WireIron Filings Around a SolenoidMagnets on a PivotMagnet and TVBending an Electron BeamMagnetic Deflection of Cathode Ray (E/M Tube)Parallel Wires (Pinching Wires)Jumping WireRolling Rod (Ampere's Motor)Force on a Current LoopInductance Spark (back EMF)RLC Ringing (LCR Trombone)Induction Coil with Magnet and GalvanometerFaraday's FlashlightEddy Current PendulumEddy Currents in a PaddleMagnets and Eddy TubesJumping RingTransformersDC MotorHand Crank GeneratorVariable Inductance (Dimmer)High/Low Pass FilterWave Production (Mad Scientist Radio)Induction CoilHand Held Tesla CoilTesla Coil 5N20.50 – TC and Fluorescent Light 5N20.55 – Electrodeless Discharge 5N20.60 – TC and Skin EffectTesla Coil (Large)This menu contains all Electricity & Magnetism demos.Optics-none-Speed of LightSilhouette ShadowsLaser and Chalk DustBlackboard opticsLaser and Flat MirrorDiffuse vs Specular ReflectionCorner CubeKaleidoscopeLight Bulb IllusionOptical Mirage (bug mirror)Large convex and concave mirrorsEnergy at the focal point (ignite gun cotton)Disappearing BeakerBeer Mug RefractionBlackboard optics – refractionRefraction Tank and LaserStick in WaterBlackboard Optics – Total Internal ReflectionCritical AngleLaser and Fiber OpticsLaser WaterfallProjected Filament with LensProjected Arrow with LensPinhole CameraFrensel lensCamerasParaffin block photometerRadiometerLight on a Variac (Black body radiation)Single Slit and LaserAdjustable Slit and LaserLaser and Diffraction (Poisson's Bright Spot)Razor Blade DiffractionThin Wire Diffraction (strand of hair)Double Slit and LaserMultiple Slits and LaserDiffraction Gratings and LaserCompact Disk Diffraction and LaserCrossed Gratings and LaserNewtons RingsThin Film interference (soap film)Addition of Primary ColorsColor FiltersBand Absorption SpectraDispersion curve of a prism (chromatic dispersion)Blue Sky Red SunsetPolaroids on the OverheadCircular PolarizationStress Plastics by Polarization (birefringence)Polarization by Scattering (using blue sky red sunset demo)StereogramsKids StereogramHologramsThis menu contains all Optics demos.Modern-none-Photoelectric EffectPhotoelectric Effect with Neon BulbSolar CellsElectron DiffractionDischarge Tubes (emission lines)Geiger Counter and SamplesMousetrap Demo (nuclear reactions)Diffusion Cloud ChamberCyclotronGravitational SurfaceThis menu contains all Modern demos.Astro-none-OrreyPhases of the MoonCelestial SphereCrateringSun SpotsDoppler Effect and Stellar Spectra (Photon Balls)Expanding UniverseThis menu contains all Astro demos.Additional requests?Submit << return to listing